the continued adventures of the Tasty Beloved and her Chagrined Dazzler
Tasty Beloved sounds very sexy, for some reason. i just wanted to make that clear.
so i saw eclipse the other night and damn, it was fun! just what i needed! tons of fuckwittery! jacob being shirtless! edward being mopey! bella being manipulative! ILU BB, but i also love jacob so i'll, like, kiss him on a snowy mountain top with howard shore music in the background.
it's also a good thing i'm not bella. because people would have witnessed endless quarrels on the subject of "i trust you. it's him i don't trust". because libras are so argumentative. it would have been an entire 30 minutes of "what do you care what he thinks, as long as i'm not interested, you shouldn't be interested either".
oh yeah, and then there's some quite impressive fighting. you know, no one watches this movies for the action scenes.
also "will you marry me? no" still fills me with unholy glee for some particular reason. must admit i like one thing about edward - his perseverance - so very old school, so rare these days. it doesn't hurt that he's filthy rich either.
p.s. i'm so tired. so very tired. i could just sleep for days
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