astro wisdom for the week

Fair or not, the rest of us tend to look to you for a hint at how to do the relationship thing. After all, romance and love are your particular areas of expertise, right? Well, now the Universe asks you to offer us a master class in THE WAY to make all relationships – romance and otherwise – fair and even mature. (A few of us around the globe still have some growing up to do, in case you hadn’t noticed.) The reason why you’ve been singled out to bring us all up to speed is because you graciously lead by example. Lead on!
thank you sasstrology for making me feel good. hey, it's not everyday you're being called a relationship expert. beaming with pride here :D (although i am not entirely sure this applies to people with uranus, mars and mercury in the 7th house and a weird relationships record)

So yeah, advice from the master. basically it's all about being nice and considerate of the other, lest thy lover's false to thee in which case you are allowed to torment him/her for the rest of your life. fair is fair, there's no point in beating around the bush. also, say i love you a lot and stop being a coward about telling people you like them. you know, that's bad. we're being induced the idea that saying "i like/love you very much" is badevilverbotten. i am very against that. okay, most of the times people get scared and i have a feeling they prefer you would rather spit them in the face than admitting you love them, but let's try to make an effort here. also, if you're hurt, say so. you know, "you've hurt me with your stupid" does more good than pretending not to care. because i know you care.

now, let's deal with the hordes of women who have issues with aquarian men, because there are countless of them on astrology forums. to capture their attention: have another boyfriend or be very far away. probably works best if you combine these two elements. then some time later, after they get used to the idea that you're in their life, make a decisive step - tell them you're their girlfriend and move in with them. this works best if you're a leo, since they won't probably protest because you'll rip their throats. although they will possibly hate you secretly. if you're not so lucky to be a leo, summon all your courage and do it anyway. aquarians are fixed signs and they're too lazy to do anything. that involves deciding to be with you or leaving you so it's your call.
water signs: oh well, just carry on imagining stuff and scheming. it's not like you'll listen to things such as reason. p.s. who said scorpio are such smooth seducers with hearts of stone? most scorpios i know are mush, very sentimental and make excellent prey for the white sharks also known as Pisces.scorpio and pisces make a fatal combination. it's all tormented love and second-guessing and not-talking. ohmygods.
capricorns and other earth signs don't need advice since they probably know what's best for them. they are the people who create dynasties and are among the very few who hold on to concepts such as duty. plus, it's like old school romance for them.
ramzillas and leos are ... uh... from another era. another world. saggis are free love so whatever, but be careful because not everyone cheers for that.
gemini: you know what? geminis are masters at relationships. i don't know whose idea it was that they are flirty and superficial but i've never seen an unfaithful gemini. if they do it, they're covering their tracks marvelously so then it does not matter. they're great communicators, they're not stubborn and if they love you, they're not shy about showing it and telling you about that. also, they are willing to negotiate. in a world of the "my way or the highway" that's a blessing. sure, they have bouts of paranoia and jealousy but they're willing to talk about it. damn, geminis will talk about anything.
now i'm going to have some cookies and watch another true blood episode. hopefully, we'll see more of franklin, that vampire with the sexiest voice ever.
p.s. recent statistics show that librans are attracted to vampires. so put your sparkle on and practice your manners and your slightly menacing stare if you have set your sights on one.

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