keep up the good work, universe

i am not entirely sure of what you are doing or how you are doing it but the recent awesomeness of things should not go away ever. let me revel in it for a long long while,
also, a special thank you note goes to the pisceans. because, 1. they are generally right, which is sometimes annoying, but that does not change the fact that they are right. 2. they have their own trademark way of showing they care which will lighten up the darkest hour. mostly, that involves the fact that they know what makes you tick.

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one of those lines which make history

"if i kiss you now, will you be silent?".....
pluto survival lesson no. 79: in love and war, all is fair. p.s. love is war.

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dealing with the Other in the house of open enemies

you know, i am a libra who weighs and fights battles that must be fought. what most often surprised me is that the Other is always told the rules beforehand yet when the Other chooses to ignore them is oh-so-unbelievably-miffed by the fact that i react. what can i say? you should have thought of it before you did it, especially when i was very specific on the things that trigger the wrath.

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redoing saturn retrograde

current music: o,death by jen titus

you know the story. boy meets girl. boy expects girl to act like the saint patron of mercy and forgiveness and understanding towards all his epic fuckwittery ( up to this point is textbook romance). girl sends him to hell - now, THAT is a good story

the weekly update

working hours - a gazzillion (daddy Saturn is kissing me on the forehead from up above for my diligence and survival skills). however, managed today to take bathromm break and a few smoking breaks. also, this past few weeks noticed the management styles of sunsigns and had an in-depth look at the aries-libra polarity.
aries xena is great at mobilizing the troops and instructing them. yeah, she's definitely in the "driving the rest of them with the zeal of a missionary baptizing heathens" philosophy. also, organization - trust the aries to do the job.
on the other hand, the libra will be into the "poll the entire team and then make a decision and let's keep everyone happy". on the other hand, i was repeatedly told this past few weeks that i look mean. possibly helpful in the longterm.
another thing i noticed re: aries - libra. aries has all the assertivness when dealing with the outside world. libra got the asertivness in 1-1 relationships.

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tv work when moon is in gemini

look. don't ask. it's been challenging yet ultimately quite rewarding. and then tomorrow we'll start all over again because it's the sort of thing we do, duh.
in other news: snow, freezing cold, snow, ice, wtf. and guess what? tomorrow we'll have MOAR snow and this is why we can't have nice things.

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