speak softly and carry a big stick

about pluto squaring the sun these days.
Pluto is the planet of power. Pluto's energy may be subtle, but its results will hit you like a ton of bricks. This planet is about transformation, regeneration and rebirth. Things aren't pretty with Pluto, but they do get done. Pluto says 'out with the old and in with the new,' and we'd better be ready for it. If we're not, this planet will simply have us wallow in our misery. Pluto asks us to transcend that which we know, redeem ourselves in the process, and come out stronger as a result. This planet knows how to push buttons.
On March 26, the fiery Aries Sun squares a slow moving, intensely determined Pluto in Capricorn. A square is formed when two planets are at a 90 degree angle from one another. Traditionally squares were seen as difficult aspects in astrology but the reality is they provide creative tension which can lead to real achievement. Yes! It will take some sweat and slog but effort will bear dividends.
Pluto likes power, control and destruction. Pluto can make us feel stuck and at the mercy of circumstances. This is the time to stand up for yourself and take control if you need to turn a tricky situation around to your advantage. Two things are needed, however, to tackle Pluto.
One is self-confidence. The dark side of Pluto can be contemptuous or guilt-inducing and manipulative. If you sense someone is trying to pull your strings or put you down - don't let them. Outright confrontation never works well with Pluto since it inevitably ends up in power struggles and causes stalemates where everyone digs in their heels and refuses to budge. Be subtle and strategic. Play it cool and smile blandly in the face of dirty tricks and do not let anything get under your skin.
The other trick with Pluto is to be persuasive. Do not try to trump the planet of power and try to get the last word in, since that strategy will only create bitterness and resentment. Look upon Pluto as the planet of influence. Speak softly with Pluto - do not roar - and you will go far!

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