perfect hair day
you know you have one when people compare you to barbarella. doh, i'm camptastic with lots of volume and wavy ends and f-loads of hair products on my head. my guess is that my hair could withstand a tornado now. in conclusion - i r pretty today.
on less happy news: t-square of death with uranus pluto and saturn. it's like an aquarius on a particularly bad day headbutting a scorpio on crack. mayhem and possibly world destruction ensues. and guess who's got the short straw here? libra!!! i have extra points for pluto being in conjunction with the sun and squaring the moon. because we got saturn the god of "first you do what you HAVE to do - take out the garbage, clean the dishes, participate at evil meeting of doom - then you can play", a god who does not like change and chaos. yeah. he's opposing uranus who thrives on chaos and change for the sake of change and squares the pluto of death, destruction and dracula rising from the coffin. so whatever bad things will happen in the near future (from me not holding my hands right in front of the camera to not being payed on time AGAIN to improbable alien landing and being abducted by swoon worthy gypsy knight with wavy hair and impeccable french - wait, the last one actually is not bad, but... there is always a but) will be blamed on this specific astral configuration.
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