another movie i want to see and more

Gravity, because it sounds so good.if it's space drama, i'm hooked.
i am living with the impression some people think i like rom-coms. which is weird. i truly love romance, but only the really tragic kind. otherwise, recently, i'm really into the dark fantasy/sci-fi dramatic ones. like sunshine, the road and let the right one in (yeah, that one classifies as romance in my head). twilight is in a league of its own, which is a lot like cigarettes? you know it's bad and yet... grr. anyways.
back to rom-coms or the so called "chick flicks". they're just as ridiculous as the advice on the sites for women. like self-improvement and self-help. "how to get over a break-up in 10 easy steps". well, newsflash, that type of articles make me roll around the floor with laughter. what's the deal with grieving and "take your time to mourn the loss?". nuh huh. the most effective strategy is to repeat yourself the mantra "he's a bastard who deserves to die a slow painful death", send the vilest message you can think of (do you still worry about being called a psycho bitch at this point?) break a few dishes and go out to get yourself a new guy. as soon as possible. you'll be too busy wondering why the new bastard didn't call/is a complete moron to worry about the old moron. forget about "wait till you're ready to go back to the dating scene and in the meanwhile cry your heart out in bed". if you wait, you'll possibly start remembering things and think about things and that's not healthy. and a rebound guy is an excellent idea. like i said, you may discover a whole new world of annoying gestures you did not previously thought of. novelty is refreshing. of course, you can also beg, plead, blackmail, yell, cry and feign a heart attack if you want the guy back. what? all's fair in love and war and this particular situation sounds like a combination of both.
also, i don't believe in the whole "dating" rules and tools. you either like me, in which case there's no reason for you to see some other people or you don't like me, in which case, 'scuse me, why are you still here? what's that "dating around"? that's not fair (i'm talking for both sexes here).
also, viggo (ILU VIGGO) will be starring in a movie about freud. made by david cronenberg. i want to see that.
on the other hand, his royal hotness will be starring in a drama movie where he wants to prove he can act.
my hands are burning from the chemicals i used to clean the bathroom. should buy thicker gloves, am considering gloves used for handling nuclear materials or something similar.
springtime is almost here, dad is almost here and the fuchsia shoes are not almost here. am smitten with the fuchsia shoes, omg. i crave the fuchsia shoes, why are they so goddamn expensive. ih8u!

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