who whisks us off into the twilight?

work was fun today because i did a story about *drum roll*  the guys romanian women fantasize about. guys we would cheat with on our significant others. without even blinking. the "omg, i want to have your babies" guys. and the winner is hugh jackman, of course, what did you expect, it's not like he wasn't voted the sexiest guy alive. who wouldn't run away with hugh jackman? like someone once said "you would not be normal if you didn't like hughie". BECAUSE HE IS A LIBRA, PEOPLE.
surprinsingly, nor edward nor his royal hotness were in that top. which is good, as in i will have HRH for myself.
also, i did an article about the russians who thinks the georgians are behind the moscow metro attack. i think that actually putin is still a little sore from 2 years ago and wants to crack some georgian skulls some more. putin is also a libra and he's the real-life version of the libran hero i talked about some time ago. look, some call him an iron-fisted puppet master, but you must admit he's got guts. and when he says something, he means it. and now he's "hell yeah, we're coming after you. and you're so dead. and there's no one to stop me".

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in the dark of night

cronenberg+viggo=LUV= by my side - INXS.

that's totally a song to cry over when you're dead drunk and attempt to karaoke to impress your ex-girlfriend. wonder if edward would do that.

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speak softly and carry a big stick

about pluto squaring the sun these days.
Pluto is the planet of power. Pluto's energy may be subtle, but its results will hit you like a ton of bricks. This planet is about transformation, regeneration and rebirth. Things aren't pretty with Pluto, but they do get done. Pluto says 'out with the old and in with the new,' and we'd better be ready for it. If we're not, this planet will simply have us wallow in our misery. Pluto asks us to transcend that which we know, redeem ourselves in the process, and come out stronger as a result. This planet knows how to push buttons.
On March 26, the fiery Aries Sun squares a slow moving, intensely determined Pluto in Capricorn. A square is formed when two planets are at a 90 degree angle from one another. Traditionally squares were seen as difficult aspects in astrology but the reality is they provide creative tension which can lead to real achievement. Yes! It will take some sweat and slog but effort will bear dividends.
Pluto likes power, control and destruction. Pluto can make us feel stuck and at the mercy of circumstances. This is the time to stand up for yourself and take control if you need to turn a tricky situation around to your advantage. Two things are needed, however, to tackle Pluto.
One is self-confidence. The dark side of Pluto can be contemptuous or guilt-inducing and manipulative. If you sense someone is trying to pull your strings or put you down - don't let them. Outright confrontation never works well with Pluto since it inevitably ends up in power struggles and causes stalemates where everyone digs in their heels and refuses to budge. Be subtle and strategic. Play it cool and smile blandly in the face of dirty tricks and do not let anything get under your skin.
The other trick with Pluto is to be persuasive. Do not try to trump the planet of power and try to get the last word in, since that strategy will only create bitterness and resentment. Look upon Pluto as the planet of influence. Speak softly with Pluto - do not roar - and you will go far!

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even more stuff i like

listening to stories. read to me, or even better, make up a story for me. it's not about the subject, it the way it's told that fascinates me to no end. guess it's one of those things that stuck from childhood.
also there: people with pleasant voices and who smell good. possibly from my taurean ascendant. let me detail the good smell - it's not about the perfume, it's about the perfume that smells good on certain people. the smell good is generally warm and slightly sweet. i suspect pheromones are involved there too.
spring, summer, sun and warm weather.
starry nights by the seashore.
to be continued

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my farm on farmville is making progress. at least that. in real life  i was never able to grow anything except cacti.
when i grow up i want to be batman's secretary. or bond's. because secretaries in superhero universe are sassy, apparently get payed on time and quite well too, plus they don't look like they do very much. ok, there's a down side as in you might get kidnapped by a lunatic, but whatever, the boss will save me which is a real difference from the real world. bonus: red lipstick that looks perfect all day. in real life lipstick lasts about 30 minutes.
what's the deal with the saturn return? it's supposed to make me more... structured and shed old patterns. i simply dive into a fantasy world and every day is more confusing.i will win a gold medal for confusion/inability to make a simple decision at this rate. as for relationships perspective - no change there either. i live and breathe relationships, feel incomplete without one and completely disagree with whoever said that you need to feel self-sufficient on your own. dude, if i wanted that, i would have gone on a mountain top and lived my life as a hermit eating crickets, although i am not sure crickets live on top of the Himalaya.
on the other hand, sister lives in the piscean bubble of happy. as in booze, party and love. just like the stars said.

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astronomy is sexy, kids!

look, i'm a hopeless romantic, and probably everyone knows that by now. spring just kicks it up a few notches. so, daydream of today.  a guy who takes me to a rooftop picnic and shows me the stars. a real picnic with food and wine and blanket and a telescope. and he would be all "see that" it's - insert obscure constellation name here, the more obscure the better. if it's got a mythological name, we can combine my knowledge of myths with his knowledge of astronomy - and it's 100 light years away and does that and that. extra points for pointing the star corot 9b orbits or the whereabouts of osiris, the planet not the asteroid. now, if he's got some theory on terraforming mars we're pretty much in business (that would be mercury conjunct uranus screaming in my head. a brilliant scientist AND a mad one, if possible, please thanks).

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sexy rawr ... i got the fuchsia shoes so, by default i am going to be a fox.
also, sexy shoes can be worn outside since spring is finally here and i can wear all the pink i want. feel so pretty and chirpy. want to hug the world. especially after yesterday with sunshine and warmth (will try to get over the sickness incident. i so hate headaches that make me throw up)
in conclusion: HOT SEXY SHOES. if these shoes were a guy, they would be his royal hotness with a tan speaking french and wearing an opened white shirt, beige pants (beige says hug me, love me, according to internet) and sandals.

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cupcake was really married, omg

because that's what trashy tabloids say and we trust in them. so, in conclusion, cupcake of the dancing show was married for 4 years to a business woman who dumped his aqua ass and now she's happily ruling the world or stuff. i bet cupcake did not even understand what he did wrong.

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perfect hair day

you know you have one when people compare you to barbarella. doh, i'm camptastic with lots of volume and wavy ends and f-loads of hair products on my head. my guess is that my hair could withstand a tornado now. in conclusion - i r pretty today.
on less happy news: t-square of death with uranus pluto and saturn. it's like an aquarius on a particularly bad day headbutting a scorpio on crack. mayhem and possibly world destruction ensues. and guess who's got the short straw here? libra!!! i have extra points for pluto being in conjunction with the sun and squaring the moon. because we got saturn the god of "first you do what you HAVE to do - take out the garbage, clean the dishes, participate at evil meeting of doom - then you can play", a god who does not like change and chaos. yeah. he's opposing uranus who thrives on chaos and change for the sake of change and squares the pluto of death, destruction and dracula rising from the coffin. so whatever bad things will happen in the near future (from me not holding my hands right in front of the camera to not being payed on time AGAIN to improbable alien landing and being abducted by swoon worthy gypsy knight with wavy hair and impeccable french - wait, the last one actually is not bad, but... there is always a but) will be blamed on this specific astral configuration.

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airheaded spring madness

your lips are nettles,
your tongue is wine,
your laughter's liquid,
but your body pines.

i'm also going to write a space drama about boy and girl trapped in a space ship. they wake up, with a partial amnesia (maybe?) everyone else is of course dead and they don't know what the hell happened. drama and tragedy ensues. note to self: they wear similar costumes to those featured in sunshine.

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summit is totally aiming high here

look, gus van sant and breaking dawn? sofia coppola and breaking dawn? lol, haha. i'm scared it will come true because summit is on a fast track to godliness and f-loads of money so whatever. why not david cronenberg and breaking dawn because yeah, he would so not edit or gloss over the whole renesmee birth and vamping of bella?
still no money for me though.
the sun is shining though.
made up my mind to make the budget busting move of buying the fuchsia shoes because i will die of frustration if i don't. that's true libra style.
speaking of which, i'm also a raven in north-american lore. huh, who would have guessed. that means i'm smart, wise, connected to the divine with a streak of trickster. better than otter.

more timur

"the last witch hunter". are you for real? does it involve james mcavoy? it does have timur though and that's a great sign for mindless fun.
there is this fun article about guy vs girl writing on the net, but i'm too lazy to look for the link right now. look, i like the combo of chamomille tea and skylon 5 rockets. best of both worlds. can we make it into a cillian murphy movie? where he's a psychotic gem trapped in a space capsule with nothing but chamomille tea?
speaking of which, i really need to see moon, that movie with sam rockwell i've heard so many good things about. sam rockwell the zaphod one.
in real world news: i am taking vitamins since last night because it's not normal to be so tired all the damn time. these vitamins promise me extreme energy, maybe i'll turn into a duracell bunny. still no money, but wearing half a bucket of make-up on my face. definitely need calming pills because otherwise i will collapse in front of the camera at this rate. and you know what's really bad? if i want to control my emotions, it gets worse because instead of being super stressed i am uber stressed and of course i come of as fidgeting and i also lose my voice. need a hug so badly right now. i was meant to be an evil behind the scenes overlord, the spotlight is not fun for me. bwhahahaha!

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another movie i want to see and more

Gravity, because it sounds so good.if it's space drama, i'm hooked.
i am living with the impression some people think i like rom-coms. which is weird. i truly love romance, but only the really tragic kind. otherwise, recently, i'm really into the dark fantasy/sci-fi dramatic ones. like sunshine, the road and let the right one in (yeah, that one classifies as romance in my head). twilight is in a league of its own, which is a lot like cigarettes? you know it's bad and yet... grr. anyways.
back to rom-coms or the so called "chick flicks". they're just as ridiculous as the advice on the sites for women. like self-improvement and self-help. "how to get over a break-up in 10 easy steps". well, newsflash, that type of articles make me roll around the floor with laughter. what's the deal with grieving and "take your time to mourn the loss?". nuh huh. the most effective strategy is to repeat yourself the mantra "he's a bastard who deserves to die a slow painful death", send the vilest message you can think of (do you still worry about being called a psycho bitch at this point?) break a few dishes and go out to get yourself a new guy. as soon as possible. you'll be too busy wondering why the new bastard didn't call/is a complete moron to worry about the old moron. forget about "wait till you're ready to go back to the dating scene and in the meanwhile cry your heart out in bed". if you wait, you'll possibly start remembering things and think about things and that's not healthy. and a rebound guy is an excellent idea. like i said, you may discover a whole new world of annoying gestures you did not previously thought of. novelty is refreshing. of course, you can also beg, plead, blackmail, yell, cry and feign a heart attack if you want the guy back. what? all's fair in love and war and this particular situation sounds like a combination of both.
also, i don't believe in the whole "dating" rules and tools. you either like me, in which case there's no reason for you to see some other people or you don't like me, in which case, 'scuse me, why are you still here? what's that "dating around"? that's not fair (i'm talking for both sexes here).
also, viggo (ILU VIGGO) will be starring in a movie about freud. made by david cronenberg. i want to see that.
on the other hand, his royal hotness will be starring in a drama movie where he wants to prove he can act.
my hands are burning from the chemicals i used to clean the bathroom. should buy thicker gloves, am considering gloves used for handling nuclear materials or something similar.
springtime is almost here, dad is almost here and the fuchsia shoes are not almost here. am smitten with the fuchsia shoes, omg. i crave the fuchsia shoes, why are they so goddamn expensive. ih8u!

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i will be an excellent mother

that is, when i will have a child. mostly, because i have mastered very well the following skills so far:
i clean up repeatedly after people who purposely make a mess right after i cleaned the damned place
i can repeat the same thing a frillion times over till the person in question internalizes (hopefully!) the lesson. i.e. pick up your things, don't walk around the house with shoes on, and so on and so forth
i am very patient(hello, exes!). and persistent
LATER EDIT: that's because i got interrupted last evening and then i decided to go to bed.
about persistence - learned the hard way (hello again, exes! see, exes can be useful) that unless you repeat the same idea at least 1000 times people (children are also people) won't put it into practice.
i have teaching skills. fine, maths and physics will be difficult but hopefully my child will not create problems in that particular area.
i wake up early. this comes in handy.
i'm multitasking. unless i choose to tune out and focus on just one thing and one thing alone.
i'm a good negotiator. well, most of the time, at least.

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the eclipse trailer

ah, my guilty pleasure is back! and the love triangle fills me with unholy glee! I LUFF HER MOAR BETTER, SPARKLESON! GTFO, WOLFBOY! BUT I AM SHIRTLESS! and, of course, the trailer shows us jacob will be shirtless, because that's what werewolves do, but this is not enough for bella who tortures poor gemini edward. and then the eeeevil vampires show up. i am so looking forward to the scene in the woods which is so out of this world and so awesomely bad i can't help but loving it. also, the fact that david slade is a libran is a good sign for this movie.
on an astrological note: virgo/gemini pairing does not sound like a good idea for spending an eternity together.

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things that went relatively well today

the haircut. actually, the haircut went awesome, the stylist/hairdresser did very well understand the "trim just the ends" concept. i am loving her already. i still got long reddish locks v shiny and pretty.
i dreamt of being fed sweets last night. a very delicious form of sponge cake filled with raisins. which is sort of weird, but a nice weird. also, it involved a journey, but most of my dreams involve that. in conclusion, it was a good dream.
happy birthday sister!

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the day of tomorrow

is a very big day. as in, i'm going to cut my hair. as in the tips of the hair, if possible make it longer, plzthnks. but, as previous experience pointed out, it's like playing the russian roulette. and "it will grow eventually" or "hair is just an accessory" are not words which make me happy. not at all. but i am going to be really adamant and specific about what the hell i want. as in "don't cut much, i don't want layers, no shorter hair on front, no way, no how". long, straight hair is my ideal. i have nightmares about having my hair cut.
other than that, the winter is back with a vengeance and i'm quietly embroidering indoors.

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excuse me while i do a victory lap! kathryn for best director! the hurt locker for best movie! avatar winning only 3 statues for technical categories! there is still justice in the world! (sister and I decided that kathryn embodies the perfect revenge on an ex. she looks fabulous and kicked his ass 6 ways - literally! from sunday in front of the whole world. kathryn bigelow is my hero now. they should replace all the useless articles on broken relationships you can find on women's sites with a picture of her. message is clear: be fabulous and do something with your life. )
i could not be more pleased with the results. ok, fine, the road SHOULD have been nominated buuuuuuuuuut we can't be perfect and i am not sure sandra bullock truly deserved that oscar but whatever.
also, when i grow old i want to look like hellen mirren. she was sooo stunning, omg.

later edit: also, i want to be alice. call it "color saturated nonsense" but it was a lovely mess of a film (could have used more nonsense, if you ask me and the mad hatter should have been madder). to tell the truth, i kinda always wanted to be alice and even more so after this movie. it's a character i can relate to. probably has to do with my everlasting escapism, and because, for me, it would be easier to fight flying dragons and ride fluffy evil monsters. i blame that on my gipsy-knight mars in saggitarius who craves epic adventures.

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the 6th day of march

where it was cold and sunny and, of course windy. carrying on with the things i like list.
that hyaluronic acid gel i got from the supermarket, which worked wonders on my skin. of course, they don't have it anymore, as sister went yesterday at that specific supermarket and did not find it. note to self for next time i find it: BUY 4 OR 5 PACKS. my skin and I are really picky about cosmetics. you know, sometimes i envy women born with porcelain skin, who don't remove make-up for days and still look flawless. i don't have that luck. this is why finding products which are good for my skin makes me particularly happy. like the vichy foundation, the iwostin line and the deceased faberlic line (*snif, how i loved thee, faberlic). the newest addition is this very great hyaluronic gel.
then there's clothes in stores that fit me perfectly and are on sale. especially pants.
then there's those days when i feel pretty, oh so pretty and people compliment me for that (i never pretended not to be afflicted by libran vanity)
to be continued...
re: about air signs men i was talking on a previous post. found this article here where it compares the aquarian man to merlin. from my knowledge, it rings quite true. as in, they totally tend to live backwards, sideways, any direction which is opposite the way most people go. yes, they have grand visions and countless theories and goddess help us all if they find a king arthur to put their plans into action. when it all comes crashing down, of course it's everyone else's fault but Aquarius'. that's the way things go. however, i would like to point out that Nimue/Morgan - depends on the version, really, (there was this other interesting article with the gospel according to Aquarius and his tendency to convert people to it) stole all his tricks and we all know how that story ended. direct quote from wikipedia:
"In the Lancelot-Grail and later accounts Merlin's eventual downfall came from his lusting after a huntress named Niviane (or Nymue, Nimue, Niniane, Nyneue, or Viviane in some versions of the legend), who was the daughter of the king of Northumberland. In the Suite du Merlin [3], for example, Niviane is about to depart from Arthur's court, but, with some encouragement from Merlin, Arthur asks her to stay in his castle with the queen. During her stay, Merlin falls in love with her and desires her. Niviane, frightened that Merlin might take advantage of her with his spells, swears that she will never love him unless he swears to teach her all of his magic. Merlin consents, unaware that throughout the course of her lessons, Niviane will use Merlin's own powers against him, forcing him to do her bidding.[3]
When Niviane finally goes back to her country, Merlin escorts her. However, along the way, Merlin receives a vision that Arthur is in need of assistance against the schemes of Morgan le Fay. Niviane and Merlin rush back to Arthur's castle, but have to stop for the night in a stone chamber, once inhabited by two lovers. Merlin relates that when the lovers died, they were placed in a magic tomb within a room in the chamber. That night, while Merlin is asleep, Niviane, still disgusted with Merlin's desire for her, as well as his demon heritage, casts a spell over him and places him in the magic tomb so that he can never escape, thus causing his death.[3]
Merlin's death is recounted differently in other versions of the narrative, the enchanted prison variously described as a cave (in the Lancelot-Grail), a large rock (in Le Morte d'Arthur), an invisible tower. In the Prophetiae Merlini, Niviane confines him in the forest of Brocéliande with walls of air, visible as mist to others but as a beautiful tower to him"

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more pluto!

so there was an internet test about how plutonian are you, did by a really smartass astrologer (she really is). and i took it. scored above the norm from the first question - sun is conjunct pluto, moon is square pluto, MC is also squaring pluto, jolly good! although, contrary to a popular opinion in astrology, i don't look anything like a plutonian (no dark intense eyes, no femme-fatale-off-putting figure, quite the contrary. does looking like a mass-murderer when really mad counts? probably that's the only time when pluto rears its monster head). so,. quote:
Pluto has a wide range of expressions. At the unevolved level, Plutonians can engage in manipulating or coercing others, abuses of power, battles for control, resentments and grievances, failing for spite, and being a target of other people’s projections.
 At the evolved level, the expressions can include transforming, healing, and empowering themselves and people and conditions they care about. Plutonians can have a natural gift for psychology, the healing arts, and understanding what makes people tick.
Pluto Issues: Power and control, trust, to discover and analyze what lies beneath the surface and eliminate the undesirable, separateness, holding on to things or feelings, revenge, death and endings, rebirth, healing, and transformation.
Worldly matters associated with Pluto/Scorpio: Sexuality, wealth, uses and abuses of power, corruption and dirty dealing, secrets, exposes, occult, healing, psychology, death and the afterlife, national and personal debt, terrorism, stocks.
Examples of Plutonian occupations: researcher, funeral director, grief counselor, OB/GYN staff, oncologist, psychotherapist, healer, medium, past life therapist, sex therapist, insurance agent, financial planner, I.R.S agent, bill collector, exterminator.
If you had a high score, you’re an over-achiever in the matters of Pluto: You’re probably a Plutonian and therefore extremely strong in some the qualities listed above—the positive ones, the negative ones, or more likely both ends of the spectrum at once.  You may alternate between isolation and being joined at the hip in obsessive relationships; in the worst of times, you could be controlling; mistrustful; emotional intensity; bitter, vengeful. And/or you may be dedicated to healing yourself, and as you learn how to do that, can become a natural healer and catalyst in the lives of people around you.

now, to refine a little - i am most definitely not obsessed with sex. mostly because it just is. however, i am obsessed with relationships and recently wealth. actually security. which could be a plutonian trait, from my knowledge. power and control... hmm... possibly. as in it's incredibly frustrating when i have no saying about things which concern me personally. like getting payed on time when i do my effin' job on time. *snarl. yes, i'm obsessive. very. it's there, under the venus fluff.
transforming. yep. i'm very keen on transforming stuff.
i'd most definitely love to be a researcher or a psychotherapist, i'm good at keeping secrets, yes, i'm interested in the occult and psychology. rebirth, also. but more like changing everything in your like on a moment's notice and getting on with it. healing... now. it makes me think a lot this healing stuff because my chart insists i could be a good healer. actually, it's more or less screaming. buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut.. i'm either not aware of this effect, or it's just latent. i don't know. need further investigation.

har har, pluto is in a career house here. the 6th. the astrologer sayeth:
All themes and issues when the vocational houses of the birth chart strongly feature Pluto or Scorpio are the same as for Pluto elsewhere in the chart. At the lower end of Pluto’s range of expressions, they can include abuse of power, battles for control, resentments and grievances, failing for spite, and being a target of other people’s projections. At the higher end, they can include transforming, healing, and empowering the people and conditions Plutonians care about. With the vocational houses involved, these themes impact people’s capacity for success at major life goals (10th house), their ability to make and manage money (2nd house), or how they operate with day to day routines in the workplace (6th house).     
Feeling powerless may translate to a sense of low vocational potential, which these individuals may either accept as their reality or may work compulsively to overcome.  If these experiences left them mistrustful and afraid of people in authority, their relationships with supervisors are likely to be profoundly affected. They may adopt a variety of strategies to cope with their bosses’ power and to have some measure of control over their work lives. Relationships with co-workers can also be difficult. Plutonians’ early experiences may have left them with a feeling of being set apart by shameful secrets, different and alienated. This emotional residue can make it hard to enjoy an easy, comfortable interchange with peers at work.
The house Pluto occupies in the birth chart can represent areas of life where we fail for spite. That is, we may chronically set ourselves up to fail in those areas in ways that are painful, frustrating, and mystifying to us on a conscious level. On the unconscious level, the motive is often to get back at potent childhood figures who considered that area crucial. The behavior is self-destructive, like the scorpion’s sting. For some Plutonians, however, extracting vengeance is more important than doing well.   With Pluto in the vocational houses, failing in the career can embarrass the parent or other authority figure, a form of revenge. (“You said I’d never make anything of myself. Well, I’ll show you….”)  Parents can’t control whether their offspring succeed or not, and the more parents demand success, the greater the sting when their offspring fail.
People with Pluto or Scorpio planets in the vocational houses or aspecting the Midheaven are prone to dramatic career turns, for better or for worse, especially under transits to the Midheaven, natal vocational-house planets, or natal Pluto. Many of them glory in intensity, exist at a life or death pitch, and view work situations in terms of extremes-black and white, good vs. evil, shadow vs. light. If they engage in spiteful, self-destructive rounds of hardball, they may crash and burn publicly, even repeatedly, under transits or progressions to planets in vocational houses or to the Midheaven. If they’re evolving past those negative patterns, they’re capable of amazing turnarounds–the Phoenix rising from its own ashes. (or Dracula from the coffin).
now i'll go do my beauty ritual

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unexpected is unexpected!

venus conjunct uranus today. in theory this means love and madness, the madness of love, trippy ideas, more free booze for pisceans and their fellow watery creatures.also, mercury is sextiling pluto which will up the paranoid detective ante of scorps.
i don't even want to think what this will bring for me.

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thinking positive

so i've decided to write a list of things i actually like because, you know, i'm slightly down these days and meh. although it would be much easier to write about things that piss me off. like "sites for intelligent women" with a myriad pages about sex that are so cliche it's boring. also, seduction tips that are so far-fetched they make me giggle. on the other hand, 90% of my relationships were with air signs men and they are beyond those ridiculous tips. i mean, really, go do those things to a gemini and he'll roll around the floor laughing. an aqua will probably not even notice you are doing the sexy scheme or just stare at you. i am not sure about libra men, but they will probably just find it distasteful and roll their eyes.
oh, yeah, i'm supposed to think positive today. how about a crack in space/time? you know, to get to a neverwhere place filled with adventure?

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someone wise once said "not even grass grows on monday". tru dat. so today was one of those days. tried my best to be pretty on camera but failed miserably because i, of course, got anxious and then sweated like a pig and then run around the tv with a horde of people and then finally stuttered and i got even more anxious and sweated some more and duh. also people kept chanting "don't panic" so of course i panicked because this is my natural reaction to the "stay cool" mantra.
in conclusion, notes to self:
wear comfortable shoes. slippers would be awesome. heels don't help when you're trying desperately to look poised while feeling like a frog being boiled alive
bring extra shirt, just in case i get another bout of nervous sweat
next time will be better.

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