rumi the libran

Come, come, whoever you are,
Wanderer, idolater, worshiper of fire,
Come even though you have broken your vows a thousand times,
Come, and come yet again.
Ours is not a caravan of despair

yes, rumi was a libra in my opinion. just on word about that: LOVE. (LOVE and RELATIONSHIP are sacred words to Librans, make no mistake about that). then there's dancing, music and wine as a way to attend spiritual enlightenment because, come on, we don't do masochistic suffering as a way to show our devotion to gods, people, whatever. Then the main concept of his works is  tawhīd – union with his beloved (the primal root) from which/whom he has been cut off and become aloof – and his longing and desire to restore it. look, it's not like we can help it - we like/thrive in relationships, we're genuinely interested in the Other because the Other is like a mirror where we see ourselves, through which we learn and evolve as human beings.i would also add some scientific argument to that : feral children - those who grow without/ with limited human contact have serious deficiencies later in life. less extreme - lonely people, unloved people suffer a lot physically, mentally and emotionally. therefore we are what we are because of the Other and the relationship we have with him/her and no man is an island and those who shun love and relationships are miserable sods.

"If, for penance, you crush grapes, you may as well drink the wine." - that's pure Libra philosophy right there. i couldn't agree more.
"Love chose me over all others; it came and drunkenly bit my cheek." - it always does that. because it's LOVE and also, it's never our fault for things happening. then, of course, there's that touch of theatricality. come on, one can't speak of LOVE without adding some metaphors here and  there and embellishments. 

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games of thrones part 7

so - robert died from pig attack, which was, in my honest opinion, a proper ending for a drunkard king aaand yeah, truly, we're on the brink of war there. i mean, it's so obvious boromir ned stark will get his ass kicked again because he's competing against bitch extraordinaire cersei and things are really heating up but then again we'll have to wait another week which is no fun, really.
also, danaerys is making steps towards being a serious contender so go her.
"in the game of thrones, you either win or die" - i couldn't agree more as long as there is a throne to game for in the first place. look, minor squabbles for nothing are pitiful and if you're going to engage in a war, at least do it for a prize worth fighting for. worth dying for.
in other news, 3 more weeks till a new season of true blood :D

the infinite improbability drive

stuff i have : minor sunburns on the back, nearly-homicidal thoughts combined with the tempting idea of starting my own anarcho-syndicalist commune, sleepy dog, a strong desire of an extended sabbatical year (just to find myself, you know. i would so find my inner balance with on a luxurious tropical island, you've got no idea!)

stuff i don't have: money and security of any kind (but hey, i'm like, used to live in a weird loop of uncertainty). what are the odds of something actually working without weird if clauses?

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so... Thor

as in the movie. yes, the Edda was shred to pieces. but the movie itself was fun! come on, Thor is just as i imagined him to be: big, blond, bellicose, fearless and a little ...simple. textbook Aries, i say. i mean, he does have the "let's hit the wall with the forehead first instead of opening the door" - approach to life in general. i mean, it's obvious from scene one - big brash entrance "Dad, can i be King now?" "why are the frost giants ruining my coronation partyyyyyyyyyyyy?????" "let's kick some giant ass!!!" Odin: headdesk, eyeroll "Son, you're a complete idiot"
about Loki - which is an Aquarian in my mind, i sort of sense the actor was good for is but the part wasn't good enough. come on, he's a trickster - i wanted more deviousness, a touch of charming sociopath and a sprinkle of craziness and determination. will keep an eye on Tom Hiddleston, for he is promising. *oh, wow, i just searched for him on wiki and he is an Aqua.i know one by the insane glint in the eyes.
then there's Odin and i'm so bitterly disappointed in him not being a mercurial character he should have been. but then again, there will be American Gods and by Odin, if they screw it up even then, there will be blood. i want an Odin who is mysterious, magical, mischievous, intriguing, the finger-in-every-pie-guy, who's first clever and then a warrior.

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favorite fruit

because i read another blog on that - so. favorite fruit - bananas, pineapple, raspberry, mango (mmmm mangoes!), dates and sweet grapes. raspberries and blue cheese with a glass of rose wine! sushi stuffed with mango! again, raspberries, blue cheese and wine - the current venus in taurus transit makes me lust after that and other GOOD THINGS IN LIFE SUCH AS: MONEY, LOVE AND THE PRETTY. i'm a rebel like that :D

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stuff i did today:
drank tea/coffee
watch rt/france 24/bbc world - the g8 summit will be next week in france. rt thinks that obama is usurping power by basically attacking the libyans without the others' consent. look, they have a point there. plus, an update on belarus elections, spaniards are going crazy in the streets, there were MOAR suicidal attacks in the middle east.
spent some time on the internet
ate stuff that is not pretzels because other people made it
probably go to bed really early.

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a few musings on news anchors

trufax: russia today and france 24 chose well their anchors for saturday morning news. totally dig them. although i must admit i like a little better the guy from france 24, since he seemed more natural. he moved around a little more, his blinked a little more and was all in all likeable and in the same time looked like he knew what he was talking about, which brought him a big bonus. also: dark suits, light colored shirt and striped ties are all the rage now, since both anchors were wearing them. must also investigate bbc and cnn on that.
so, subjects for today : dsk is out on a million dollars bail and obama thinks there should be a palestinian state.
france 24 chose dsk as main article, russia today chose obama. also, there's a formal ceremony in cote d'ivoire that our friend sarko (dear gods, what were the french thinking when choosing an aqua for president?) is attending. oh, yeah, and there's another g8 meeting. i always suspected these gatherings are just an excuse to travel around and socialize over expensive treats. which is to say i want to attend one.

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venus in taurus inspiration

i've just finished the first pair of pants that are actually nice! oh, there's the small issue of the button, but whatever, blah, it's finally here. appropriately light blue, confy and feminine with a sweet rounded hem, made of light cotton cloth. thanking venus for divine inspiration - look this transit is doing wonders for my couture skills.

later edit: i can't believe it, i've actually managed to put the button right!! actually the buttonhole which, in my experience, is the part where i usually screw up spectacularly for unknown reasons such as forgetting to set the sewing machine right. and i found in the house the kind of button i was visualizing for these pants and i wasn't able to find in the shop - clear, simple, 4-holes button AND it fit the buttonhole i made for the not so perfect button i found at the store.
i feel like an accomplished couturier right now. * terribly satisfied smirk. all i really need is for mom to finish the cute little lacey knit top i asked her for and i'm as pretty as a peach.

what can i say, i value the things i can make myself.

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unleashed creativity

roses are red
violets are blue
karma's a bitch
and so are you

... i just love the roses are red poems. they allow for so much creativity and meanings.

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julie, julia and me

like i previously said, i'm no foodie. i would happily live on whatever it is available to eat, because i equate food with energy and at this point where i am slightly freaking out, i am basically living on cigarettes, water, coffee and my delusions of things going the right way. which they won't because i attract complications like a flame attracts moths. but i am a profoundly delusional person who believes in freeing the hamsters, meeting true love and having no doubts of him being the true love (i'm a relationship-junkie. the sooth-sayer actually pointed that pretty clearly, the fact that i want a relationship, not love as defined in doing whatever the damn the other person wants), and no problems regarding money.
but julie and julia is actually a wonderful movie. really. it is.

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the unholy trinity: posessed air signs

well, actually, we should make it a duality since us libby fleurs are gracious, balanced and nice to everyone. the fact that we sometimes lash out a storm and act with a single-mindedness bordering on obsession it's just because we are provoked and peace must be restored at any cost. even an all out rumble. this is where aquarians (especially the male variety) come in handy. you know, in my experience, they have an unholy gift for finding your bitch button and pressing it without much thinking about consequences.most of the times, the consequences are disastrous and involve screaming matches or worse.
on the other hand, geminis. you know what's annoying about them? you can't properly argue with a gemini. you need to muster all your resolution to have the argument in the first's not that they can't drive you crazy, because they can. it's the fact that they will make you laugh and communicate and you get to that point where you don't know where you want to kiss them, slap them, or both which is very confusing.

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i just read a dictionary of feminism

...okay more like skimmed it. v interesting, though a little too academical for my tastes. so, of course, here follows my opinion on the subject.
first of all, we seriously need to reclaim the goddess within us. the one who is not daughter/wife/devoted mother/wannabe man but is woman and proud of it. proud of all her divinity and womanhood. the one who flaunts her awesomeness - mental, emotional and physical. the media constantly tells us we are not good enough, that looks are all that matters and that our menstrual blood is blue, among other things. we are bombarded with impossible standards every day - be a brill career woman, an accomplished lover, a perfect mother and wife, prim, proper, always on a diet, never complaining and keeping a stiff upper lip. and we should to all sort of tricks to keep a man.
see, i intend to be nothing of those things. my blood is red (and it hurts like hell, just for the record), i have no intention of learning how to cook (and if i start a family, well, i'll clean and he cooks - look, fair labor division), and if a relationship goes sour, well, honey, i'll act like lilith on crack and i have no intention of apologizing. yes, relationships are very important. there's no such thing as "no strings attached", who are you kidding.  yes, i mind if you don't listen to what i have to say, if you try to boss me around and if you have even the faintest impression that you own me. barbarian macho displays will be met with fierce resistance because my ego is just as important as yours. i'm very relating-oriented, i adore pastel colors, a general genteel behaviour, and girly stuff. this doesn't make me any less intelligent or capable. i don't want to be the executive of a company, i will complain and sometimes roar, i'm willing to do tricks as long as the other is willing to do tricks for me in return. having emotions is good, though frustrating sometimes, being friendly to people is good, being me is good.

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experiment no. 1.546.897

 so i'm currently experimenting a new skin treatment entirely natural and of my own design. clay powder + propolis + mineral water. mix in a ceramic jar. apply liberally on the face. wait till you look like a geisha. remove with warm water. repeat procedure each morning,
so far, in the 4 or 5 days i've been trying it, i've noticed a few improvements - less inflammation of the skin and a mild reduction of the blotches. would be spectacular if effective since it's quite low-cost and probably has definitely fewer side-effects than other medical treatments such a gorging on antibiotics (did that for a couple of years), puncturing it with needles (do you have any idea how painful that is??) or hormone-based drugs (i didn't do that!!! heck, i wanted to strangle the doctor for even suggesting it). y'all, i have a theory re: doctors and my skin and how wrong they are. considering that my face got really clean and pretty after using faberlic products (which were, by the way, a catalog brand, like avon, only perfect for my skin, so nothing fancy. please, please, please, faberlic, come back to the market!! i promise i will buy the entire catalog, if you do!!!WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?????? *hysterical sobs) and looked OKAY when i wasn't using make-up everyday, i seriously doubt there is something wrong with my hormones. also, i think those doctors' real issue was the fact that i'm skinny, since one of them even suggested taking steroids - and i threw the prescription out of the window.
look, i can't trust people who prescribe hormones without thoroughly testing you first, ESPECIALLY if you think there's an imbalance in my body. i'm in no mood for being anyone's lab rat except my own.

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news updates

prince william got married to kate princess catherine, who in true capricornian fashion will kick his royal ass for the years to come.

bin laden got dead. or so they say. of course, consipracy theorists insist he isn't. nor is elvis, adolf or michael jackson.

we have another episode of games of thrones tonight which i can't wait to see!!

they have finally released some pictures of breaking dawn. look, it's incredibly twinkie!!! ed and bella in a scenic waterfall NOT having sex! of course they aren't, who are you kidding? astrologically, i'm still not buying it. since ed is a gem, this pic is waaaaaaaaaay inaccurate. he should be all "woman, are you crazy, what are we doing in this waterfall, watch your steps, there are rocks, omg, it's freezing, I AM BOOOOOOOOORED".

this picture, on the other hand is more suitable

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