rumi the libran

Come, come, whoever you are,
Wanderer, idolater, worshiper of fire,
Come even though you have broken your vows a thousand times,
Come, and come yet again.
Ours is not a caravan of despair

yes, rumi was a libra in my opinion. just on word about that: LOVE. (LOVE and RELATIONSHIP are sacred words to Librans, make no mistake about that). then there's dancing, music and wine as a way to attend spiritual enlightenment because, come on, we don't do masochistic suffering as a way to show our devotion to gods, people, whatever. Then the main concept of his works is  tawhīd – union with his beloved (the primal root) from which/whom he has been cut off and become aloof – and his longing and desire to restore it. look, it's not like we can help it - we like/thrive in relationships, we're genuinely interested in the Other because the Other is like a mirror where we see ourselves, through which we learn and evolve as human beings.i would also add some scientific argument to that : feral children - those who grow without/ with limited human contact have serious deficiencies later in life. less extreme - lonely people, unloved people suffer a lot physically, mentally and emotionally. therefore we are what we are because of the Other and the relationship we have with him/her and no man is an island and those who shun love and relationships are miserable sods.

"If, for penance, you crush grapes, you may as well drink the wine." - that's pure Libra philosophy right there. i couldn't agree more.
"Love chose me over all others; it came and drunkenly bit my cheek." - it always does that. because it's LOVE and also, it's never our fault for things happening. then, of course, there's that touch of theatricality. come on, one can't speak of LOVE without adding some metaphors here and  there and embellishments. 

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