so... Thor
as in the movie. yes, the Edda was shred to pieces. but the movie itself was fun! come on, Thor is just as i imagined him to be: big, blond, bellicose, fearless and a little ...simple. textbook Aries, i say. i mean, he does have the "let's hit the wall with the forehead first instead of opening the door" - approach to life in general. i mean, it's obvious from scene one - big brash entrance "Dad, can i be King now?" "why are the frost giants ruining my coronation partyyyyyyyyyyyy?????" "let's kick some giant ass!!!" Odin: headdesk, eyeroll "Son, you're a complete idiot"
about Loki - which is an Aquarian in my mind, i sort of sense the actor was good for is but the part wasn't good enough. come on, he's a trickster - i wanted more deviousness, a touch of charming sociopath and a sprinkle of craziness and determination. will keep an eye on Tom Hiddleston, for he is promising. *oh, wow, i just searched for him on wiki and he is an Aqua.i know one by the insane glint in the eyes.
then there's Odin and i'm so bitterly disappointed in him not being a mercurial character he should have been. but then again, there will be American Gods and by Odin, if they screw it up even then, there will be blood. i want an Odin who is mysterious, magical, mischievous, intriguing, the finger-in-every-pie-guy, who's first clever and then a warrior.
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