wednesday morning
luckily, the temperatures are up slightly (-3C!!! that's 10 degrees warmer than yesterday morning!) which means i will dress lighter today. lighter meaning without the extra sweater and possibly without the leggings. i'm traumatized by the cold, in all truth. if us humans were made to live at this sort of temperature mother nature would have put shaggy fur all over our bodies. instead we have to deal with what we have. of course, fur is the best option. natural or fake, whatever, just make it fur. fur on top, wool and cotton underneath. also, corduroy.
so, the best fashion options for this ungodly weather are:
thick, wool knitted pantyhose (i wonder if i can call it pantyhose. it's more like skinny pants with socks attached)
leggings on top of that
wool socks (preferably knee-high)
long black corduroy skirt. with underskirt. (y'all, this sort of skirt is approx 10 times warmer than a pair of pants - especially jeans! and you can move much easier. i don't understand the vast majority of women who say the opposite. wearing a thick long ample skirt with underskirt is like wrapping a warm comfortable blanket around your entire lower part. whereas putting pants on = deep freeze. not to mention that there's only so many layers you can put under pants, while under this sort of skirt you can even add that extra pair of pajama pants. whoever laughs at this idea, obviously is sort of suicidal)
sweaters, obviously
flat boots. because i have to walk on snow, ice and must be stable
my tunisian pashmina. great for head and face covering or wrapping around the body
last but definitely not least, the long fur coat. the only thing it lacks is the hood, but let's not be picky. note> fur must be on the inside.
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