interesting things i learned today

conflict management 101 and assertive communication :

stay on subject and avoid generalizations - check
avoid comparisons - check
describe what you feel and be really specific - check,
offer explanations, motives for the way you feel that way - check.

then the teacher/psy offered the example of "you left the lights on in the bathroom. do turn them off, it bothers me when you leave the lights on". and then i asked her "what if the person you're asking to turn the lights off is not listening to your very specific demand and instead starts talking about the history of electricity?" she said: "basically it means that person is not interested in what you have to say".
in conclusion, i'd like to thank the universe deeply for the absolutely delicious treat it sent to me after a bitter pill.

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Anonymous said...

The universe answered your call. My heartfelt sincere congratulations.

Anonymous said...

i asked her "what if the person you're asking to turn the lights off is not listening to your very specific demand and instead starts talking about the history of electricity?" she said: "basically it means that person is not interested in what you have to say".

Another trainer may have had a different response. "Do you live here alone?"

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