movie monday

so i saw the new episode of true blood where there was yet another new moon moment, actually quite a few of them. bill almost kills sookeh but decides to leave her and the hunky were alcide was all like "you should totally date me instead bb" but bill makes a comeback and he ends up sexing sookeh in the end. after they beat a pack of werewolves.
and eric kills talbot, the boyfriend of the aro king and this looks a lot like a true saga because
a. let's face it, eric is a viking. like a real one
b. there's blood and revenge
also, i finally saw the wolfman which was truly fun and so goth. like old school goth and benicio del toro was awesome and i totally loved that movie especially the ending. because it felt like a supernatural tale.
and yesterday i saw "remember me" where edward (RPattz) is a rebellious human and, after a little deliberation with sister-fish, we decided he was definitely your standard aquarian guy, complete with quirkiness, snarkiness, romantic streak wide as a river, being sincere at the most inappropriate moments, smarts, inability to wash dishes, and the "i just got out of bed look". although, to be fair, aquas have a thing for colors, which is not well represented in the movie. i mean, no pink/bright yellow/turquoise shirt?and then, when the aqua gets his shit together and acts surprisingly normal a plane hijacked by THE TERRORISTS smushes him to death. OMINOUS.
what was even more interesting was the fact that rpattz is a taurus and the girl was a capricorn and if they were to act upon their true sun signs, we would have got a completely different story. honestly taurus guys and cappy girls are very good for each other and they're the stuff dynasties are made from. as in, she's the leader and he's her attendant. i can't picture a cappy girl reacting so playfully to a guy spraying her with water. a taurus guy would not even dream of spraying her with water in the kitchen, unless he had a death wish. plus, she would not have allowed that type of erratic behavior and trust me, halfway into the movie the taurus would have left his bohemian life behind, got a haircut, a decent set of clothes and a job at his dad's law firm.

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