i'm totally with fire now...

moon in aries is a great incentive for my current "don't fuck with my qi" attitude. that and a general sassy disposition. i am not entirely sure what else there is but i generally feel like lilith-on-crack these days. i'm such a goddess-diva.
oh, and the wedding was great and much much much fun.
and now i'll go to bed

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the amazing race against all odds

first of all, i have the best coworkers in the world! there goes a big thank you, a round of applause and i wish i could give everyone a raise. go you, people!
second of all, miraculously and against all odds, we had news today. honestly, i can't believe we made it through the day. i was on the brink of a major heart attack twice because, you know, things that i did not imagine they could go wrong went wrong. with my delayed reactions and all, it will probably hit me later tonight at the wedding. but that's okay, since i have tomorrow off and i can pass out royally. dear gods, i'm finally home, i can't believe it. my mind is starting to go numb now. fin

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friday morning

this world is filled with crazy people. that's all i'm saying. from the nigerian children abused by their families because they might be witches to the fact that certain employers seem to think that the paying the salaries on time is a privilege not a goddamn right. medieval ages are so centuries ago, hello? it goes two ways: if i do my job, you must also do yours, that is paying me for my services and my time and that's about it. i don't show up at work when i feel like it so you don't pay me when you feel like it the end.
also we're ruled by a bunch of idiot thieves. why should I pay for THEIR mistakes is beyond my comprehension. see, it's not me who spent the budget, it was them. in a reasonable society they would be brought to justice, incarcerated and forced to pay back those money. because they stole it and used it for their benefit. this reinforced my belief in the minimal state whose only attributes should be maintaining the internal order and no more than that. i'm sorry but i honestly believe everybody would be better off if the state had as little money as possible. if it doesn't have money, it can't use it for stupid things such as armies and poor investments. and don't get me started on education and health care because it's not like they're free. they may be free elsewhere but not here. so strip the state of all its prerogatives, put the stupid idiots behind bars (although bombing them sounds extremely tempting, my saturn is libra is all for fair trials and a life sentence would probably be okay) and we're all better off. i'm also very tempted to ban electoral campaigns the way they are now. i'd replace them with a series of extremely difficult tests on real economy, politics (ask our politicians the difference between left and right. i was appalled by their answers), survival skills (take all of their possessions and throw them on a desert island then make a 24-hours reality show - uncensored reactions and all would show us a clearer picture of what they're capable of), grooming, heck, general knowledge. so that we don't have the surprise of another 'president of norway'. see who's going to pass that.

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enahncing my love-spell skills

that's my resolution for the upcoming venus in scorpio. there is need and room for a little more deluxe love-magic in my life and this autumn sounds like a great time to do it. also, because i still do not understand why people shy away from saying they want to be loved. honestly, the world would be much better if the society in general would simply stop with its obsession with independence! rudeness! (oh, they call that being sincere nowadays) stuff like just-sex is satisfying! (honestly, just-sex or friends-with-benefits is so wrong) where's the magic? let's put some effort in there people.
i'm dead tired by the way. again.

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true blood

so the last two episodes consisted of:
russell becoming a vampire terrorist after killing a news anchor live on tv. just to make a point. and eric is after his ass. yeah, and he makes a will before because, you know, russell is 3.000 years old and very strong. apparently this makes every woman in eric's life - pam, the ukrainian dancer and sookie and possibly others very mad. so, in conclusion, eric FINALLY kisses sookie for real (anyways, it's being foreshadowed since season one) and locks her in the dungeon of pain lafayette is familiar with. i just love this show's dedication of showing love as a very dangerous feeling. honestly, does anyone there has an even remotely normal relationship. i mean, with the usual quirks and problems? also, apparently, these people are never jealous. which let me tell you is at least strange.
speaking of, it seems sam has a long history of bad relationships. like that time he dated a girl and then it was revealed he cheated on him and also took his money he was robbing to build a future together. and in the end he shot her dead and her dumbass boyfriend.
lafayette and jesus have an outer body trip to the ancestors via v.
yeah, and sookie finds out she is of fairy descent, but i already knew that because i read it on wikipedia. *i am smart.
who else was there? of course, FRANKLIN. he makes a brief comeback only to be killed by jason. i am disappointed. wonder if he's really dead this time too.and jason is dating crystal the werepanther. but he also kisses tara and confesses he killed eggs. go you, jason.
hoyt and jessica are sort-of back together, not entirely sure about that.
let's see what happens next

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back from holidays

which were, of course, too short. also, mercury is retro and that is not tres chic.
also, the horoscope for libra says: "Just when you thought you were on solid ground, you find yourself stepping in swamp every now and then. It only happens when you blurt something out that you’d normally say with exquisite tact. Shakespeare must have gone through phases like this, too. Everyone still wants a piece of you, regardless. If only you could enjoy the attention, but you feel pulled in too many directions (oh, that yes, THAT feeling again). Fortunately, one of those strings tugging at you is about to get snipped. It’ll be painless, and will free up some room in the back of your brain – so you can remember to hit that pause button before speaking". that is.... something. pause. breathe. think. think again. speak.
so i may choose fire or i may choose ice, if you don't get that metaphor i can reread it twice - to quote cleolinda.also, my favorite sin of the day - vanity. i just love the ridiculous hair and the hand mirror.

or is it lust? because, you know, sexyrawr?

oh, yes, time for another episode of true blood

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back to romeo and juliet

honestly, that the best love movie i've ever seen and i don't mean that mushy stuff zeffirelli made. his romeo - pshhh! that boy looked so sedated he barely stood up on his feet, let alone be madly in love. whereas leonardo di caprio is believable. and you know what's best? even though i knew it would end tragically and the movie says so in the beginning too the death scene is still gut wrenching and a total surprise. somehow, after all the colors and frantic action you don't expect them to die right there like that. *snifff, tissue. and the actors do a great job at being the characters which is not the case with other romantic movies that shall not be named. leo and claire made me believe and care for a completely off-the-wall-insane-passion-what-is-wrong-with-you-people story. which other couples did not, even though their story made more sense. romeo and juliet are very convincingly in mad love and, in that movie, it makes total sense for them to act the way they do. whereas in the zeffirelli version, i expected them to fall asleep in every moment.
then there was the r&j moment in shakespeare in love. which was acted by a libra and gemini and of course it did not come out very well.

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thinking of pretty things

like a dressing table. i want one in dark dusky pink with 3 mirrors and an art nouveau feeling to it. or french. you know, very womanly. a place where i could rest my superficial libran soul

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movie monday

so i saw the new episode of true blood where there was yet another new moon moment, actually quite a few of them. bill almost kills sookeh but decides to leave her and the hunky were alcide was all like "you should totally date me instead bb" but bill makes a comeback and he ends up sexing sookeh in the end. after they beat a pack of werewolves.
and eric kills talbot, the boyfriend of the aro king and this looks a lot like a true saga because
a. let's face it, eric is a viking. like a real one
b. there's blood and revenge
also, i finally saw the wolfman which was truly fun and so goth. like old school goth and benicio del toro was awesome and i totally loved that movie especially the ending. because it felt like a supernatural tale.
and yesterday i saw "remember me" where edward (RPattz) is a rebellious human and, after a little deliberation with sister-fish, we decided he was definitely your standard aquarian guy, complete with quirkiness, snarkiness, romantic streak wide as a river, being sincere at the most inappropriate moments, smarts, inability to wash dishes, and the "i just got out of bed look". although, to be fair, aquas have a thing for colors, which is not well represented in the movie. i mean, no pink/bright yellow/turquoise shirt?and then, when the aqua gets his shit together and acts surprisingly normal a plane hijacked by THE TERRORISTS smushes him to death. OMINOUS.
what was even more interesting was the fact that rpattz is a taurus and the girl was a capricorn and if they were to act upon their true sun signs, we would have got a completely different story. honestly taurus guys and cappy girls are very good for each other and they're the stuff dynasties are made from. as in, she's the leader and he's her attendant. i can't picture a cappy girl reacting so playfully to a guy spraying her with water. a taurus guy would not even dream of spraying her with water in the kitchen, unless he had a death wish. plus, she would not have allowed that type of erratic behavior and trust me, halfway into the movie the taurus would have left his bohemian life behind, got a haircut, a decent set of clothes and a job at his dad's law firm.

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sleepy rants

general sleepiness due to being stressed out (trying not to think of it), tired (trying not to think of it), frustrated by certain developments (but i'm trying to be very philosophical about it) and heat which is positively ungodly (but i turned on the air conditioning, so go me). this is the part of my life where astrology helps. i mean, i know saturn the god of take-out-the-trash-then-you-can-be-spontaneous is basically burning right now in these transits. so i just deal with it and try to be very patient. patience helps.

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true blood

most important thing: franklin is still dead. huh. i mean, for real? aren't they planning to revive him at all? not even a little bit? honestly...they sort of revived sookeh and bill and then bill almost kills sookeh but then he brings her back to life and she yells when she sees him face (it's a long story) and no franklin?
also, the king and queen are married. direct quote from sophie ann "i'm so happy i could bleed" and it all ends with the magister being decapitated. let's say that was not the most usual wedding.
sookie finally finds out about her fairy heritage about which i read on wikipedia and eric is being awesome and saves pam blah blah blah. also, sam saves him little brother from parents who use him in dog fights.
and now i'm going to wash the mountain of dishes in the sink

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this is so odd

a Libra man (sharing my birthday, no less!!!), has written the most offensive vulgar book about women and relationships. i am so appalled. only thing i can really imagine is that he was so traumatized (the book is after all called "the mind of a divorced man) by the parting so he does not know what he's saying. he's obviously hurt with the "i don't want to fall in love" attitude and all but as we all know librans are in love with love and relationships. so he's better put his suave attitude on (look at hugh - he's the epithome of libra men. or viggo) and stop being fake. of course you'll fall in love again, don't be silly. because you're a libran and that's your destiny.oh, and about the writing - look at p.g. woodhouse or oscar wilde. oscar is a great idea, honestly, since he is also on oct 16th. see? smooth, suave, no foul language.
yeah, and i also saw inception which was .. disappointing. i mean, for a movie about dreams, it was remarkably un-dreamy. aqua joseph gordon levitt rocks though - the "quick, kiss me" line was swoon worthy. also, what's with leo and his penchant for tragic relationships with his libran leading ladies? geez...in conclusion : a mix of the matrix and ocean's eleven.

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the horoscope for this week is wildly innacurate

A beautific calm ushers in the week, right from the start. Should you care to rise with the Sun on Monday morning, you’ll notice a feeling of inner peace that’s been all too rare of late. If you can keep riding that wave, you’ll recognize that everything is unfolding at just the perfect pace. In romantic matters, there’s no need to rush anything. The sultry tempo is helping you detach from romantic projections, and bestows the courage to be your authentic self in all of your interactions. Don’t try to push the river, and you’ll enjoy a remarkably pleasant week! - so says sasstrology
i would like to point that my week started out wrong from monday morning ("tell me why i don't like mondays" was the song of the day, basically) with the stupid bus delay. more than 1 hour late??? that was not fun, let me tell y'all. then i was late for work and had to basically sprint in ungodly heat (the heat is generally okay. it's not okay when i'm dashing on platform sandals though and sweating) then it was crazy-busy at work. where's the beatific calm? there is none!!! although inner peace is somewhat there, but i suppose is more of the "meh, whatever, i'm too tired" variety. sultry tempo sounds great, but it's just theory. i know, the moon in taurus is sensual and laid back but the saturn returning and bringing mars along with it just makes me "serious, focused and determined" (to quote, again, sasstrology) or, in my version, "unwilling workaholic". i just dream of resting in a peaceful, stress-free, comfortable and clean environment where NOBODY WANTS STUFF FROM ME FOR A CHANGE and i'm sipping sangria while watching true blood and fantasizing. yeah, and someone is painting my toenails. see, this is moon in taurus. and this is what my authentic self wants.

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