some things that i dislike (really)

winter. cold weather, in general.
conspiracy theories of any kind. humanity is doing a fabulous job at creating problem by itself. there's no need for a super secret group to scheme wars and evolution and stuff - and even if such a group existed there would be another group(s - the plural is actually much more probable) wanting to take the aforementioned group's power. plus, we're finite, therefore our control is also finite and the heirs can always decide to join a hippie commune. yes, humans and extremely violent, predatorial, greedy and competitive and always and i mean always seeking trouble with the wrath of an angry god. it's in our genes and the whole "the evil shadowy group is responsible for wars and plagues" is just a flimsy justification of ... well, pretty much everything that happened since the dawn of civilization. might as well blame it on any god and call it a day.
people who think women are worse drivers than men. actually the proportion of bad drivers is pretty much equal in both sexes. and men ARE responsible for the vast majority of deadly accidents (true fact).
women who try to be men just to feel "empowered". they come across as mean bitches.
rudeness. and here i am talking to you, tourists who walk in without so much as saying hello... man, if it isn't written anything on that goddamn building it doesn't mean you can just walk in like you own the place. and the beach balls aren't for sale! also, i am thinking about those who think that yelling and talking down to people will make them superior.
mountains. mountains in winter. make me claustrophobic and depressed.
people who take themselves too seriously. in this category are included the jaded bloggers of doom.
related to the above question of rudeness: gratuitous vulgarity. it's not funny. it's not even interesting. it's not cool. it's plain distateful. call me a prudish libra, but that's how i feel.
the whole "say it like it is" attitude which usually translates in "let's be rude to eachother like whoa". if you're not happy with something, you CAN convey your message just as effectively in a nice tone, without hurting the other. i'm old-fashioned like that.
romanian movies (all of them). they present a grim, vulgar, jaded world that doesn't express anything remotely similar to my view of the world i am living in.
xenophobics, racists, homophobics, haters of any kind in general and PREACHERS. i dislike preachers, although they are, at a certain level, amusing. also, organized religions, but that's because people are lazy enough as to have beliefs fed to them with a spoon.

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