song no.6

It would be so easy
To sing a song about you (definitely)
It would be so easy to sing a
Sobby, pink (make that pitch black. on a second thought, let's go easy on the black. make it just pitch(es) and forks) song about you
I would spend three or four lines
On describing your eyes (they're blue, hazel, or brown. i already know that.  the question is: do you know what color are my eyes? answer in 5 seconds)
And then the next three or four lines
On the dimples of your smile (that is, when you're smiling which is not very often. most of the time you just curse and that's annoying)
And then I would tell the world
About the way you hold my hand (when nobody sees you, because your macho ego would be hurt by such "girlish" displays of affection)
And they would
They would understand (truth is they don't ever understand what i saw in you. i don't either)
It is so easy
To sing this song about you (oh, i could write a 500 pages novel. terribly frightening. kafka has nothing on you, in terms of idiosyncrasies )
What you are is inside of me (it's called the medulla & cerebellum, or the most primitive part of the brain. i sometimes suspect you only have those)
And could easily be
Could easily be
Could be expressed through
This sobby, pink song about you - i did mention the pitches and forks, but i know i have to repeat myself several times over.
....and basically this is why i can't write love songs.


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