the plutonian club

...that's very appropriate with halloween incoming and all.

first of all, let's define plutonians. they're not necessarily scorps. they're people with a strong pluto (conjunct sun, in the first house, stuff like that). and they feel each other accurately. because plutonians are very able to dissimulate their feelings and thoughts ... except in front of other plutonians. they just KNOW if one of their tribe is happy/distressed/in trouble/ cooking up something....
example: party, last night. felt worried. uber-libran of the pluto tribe immediately picked it up, looked straight into my eyes and extended one hand. touched it with the fingertips. "how does it feel?". "warm, zen.... thank you"

on the other hand, there are temporary members of the pluto tribe (particularly those who have pluto transiting their first house) and those are not a pretty sight. i've witnessed that, first hand. they feel they are being dragged to hell, stripped of all their power and sense of self. you know, this won't end until they reach the bottom, be naked and hanged on a hook. only after that they can reclaim who they are

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