rules of engagement 101

...seriously, after reading so much ridiculous relationships advice on the internet (astrology and tarot reading look like exact sciences compared to that!!), i've decided to come up with my own version of "how to tell if he's into you". i am dismissing the entire idea of "signs he's up to something" because, frankly, signs and omens are divination territory and therefore the interpretation can vary wildly and we're not getting anywhere.

so, according to me, your guy is really really into you if:
1. he's always there and he actively seeks your company. yes, it's that simple. if he wants you, he's all over you. and if he can't be there you know what he's doing, with whom and for how long. because he tells you so from his own initiative. the more he wants to talk to you and see you, the more he likes you.
2. he wants to know you and not only in the biblical sense. he's interested in your life, tells you about his life and asks for feedback. he wants to know about your friends, family, interests, daily trivia, blah blah blah, whether you're happy and volunteers information about these things too.
3. he's not vague or shy why it comes to relationship talk. he actually initiates it. he wants to know how things are between you, why they are like that, he makes plans for your common future. he's not afraid of potentially thorny issues and doesn't pretend there's no elephant in the room. also he says he loves you a lot. and shows it to you. that includes arguing with you over small stuff or bigger stuff or whatever
4. his friends and family know about how much he likes you and he wants you to meet them. the whole "us in public" is actually a major plot point. as long as he's holding your hand, kissing you and makes it very clear to everyone he is with you, shiny lulz, he actually likes you.
5. he doesn't make you feel insecure and doesn't take you for granted. ever. 

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samhain is near

...and what i wish for. the video says it better

the plutonian club

...that's very appropriate with halloween incoming and all.

first of all, let's define plutonians. they're not necessarily scorps. they're people with a strong pluto (conjunct sun, in the first house, stuff like that). and they feel each other accurately. because plutonians are very able to dissimulate their feelings and thoughts ... except in front of other plutonians. they just KNOW if one of their tribe is happy/distressed/in trouble/ cooking up something....
example: party, last night. felt worried. uber-libran of the pluto tribe immediately picked it up, looked straight into my eyes and extended one hand. touched it with the fingertips. "how does it feel?". "warm, zen.... thank you"

on the other hand, there are temporary members of the pluto tribe (particularly those who have pluto transiting their first house) and those are not a pretty sight. i've witnessed that, first hand. they feel they are being dragged to hell, stripped of all their power and sense of self. you know, this won't end until they reach the bottom, be naked and hanged on a hook. only after that they can reclaim who they are

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xenas and merlins

for better or for worse i suffer of a fatal attraction towards:

a. fire-sign females aka fire-xenas. my best friends have been either aries or leo. they're uber-supportive, optimistic, fun to be around, passionate, energetic and have a lot of initiative (which suits this libby-fleur just fine as i get to fawn over them to my heart's content). however, the males of the species are.... let me find the nice words for them. most of the time they're too... to say the very least, demanding.

b. air-signs males aka air merlins. because while they have some exasperating traits, you can eventually reach an agreement (most of the times, at least). because they can cook and they are very smart and funny and their achille's heel is romance. seriously, they have the "wow" in the romance department. nevermind what they say about fire guys being passionate, water guys being mushy or earth guys being sensual. air sign males will woo you like no other. because they have staying power.because they can offer unbiased opinions. and sometimes they are positively magical. because they are the right confidantes. just like fire signs females.

i am not saying that the rest of the zodiac isn't awesome in its own right just that... oh well, that's me.

a pluto kind of love

touching the very core of the being?
verging on the taboo?
bringing out the raw side?
does it deal with power in any way (okay, the first thing that comes in mind is control and jealousy. but pluto can play in much more subtle ways with power - such as being actually empowering)? 

if you check all of the above, congratulations, you have a pluto kind of love

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words of wisdom from the FB horoscope for the 31st birthday

"Letting your guard down has never come easily to you, but with someone you know and trust, you're more than open. Be careful to choose the right confidante. That goes double for now.

Compatibility: Aries"
you know, sometimes the people who write it totally nail facts. today it was one of those days

new blog

...about astrology. in romanian. here

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the fridays

...come in 2 varieties for me. one is the friday where things sail incredibly smooth, the other is the "meh" friday with all sort of weird things happening.

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“Let these good people practice their Constitutional right to be f***ing idiots." of the best lines i came across today. it can be applied in many situations and at a certain point can save you a lot of trouble and neurons.

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astrological things i've noticed

...mostly because i have more spare time now and less stuff to freak out about.
gemini are less flakey than traditional astrology wants us to believe. most of those i know, aside their big mouths, they're actually more traditional and more routine-loving than the other air signs. and contrary to popular opinion, once they're in love, they're very faithful. also, they cherish long-term friendships.

no matter how sweet they may appear to the world, capricorns have a nazi-like approach to relationships. which works fine with taurus for strange reasons.

scorpios couldn't keep a secret if their lives depended on it. i seriously mean that - witnessed it at least a frillion times.

cancer men have a roving eye that would put casanova to shame (that would be sister's observation, to be more accurate).

schmoozing always works with leos. translate that into "give them attention, do stuff together with them and ask for their opinion" not necessarily "tell them they're the best". i should know, i have 3 decades of experience with a leo dad.

virgos never like anything. ever. they have a fault-finding radar that prevents them to be truly happy.

water signs are less forgiving than astrology says they are. especially pisces.

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the return of the golden days

so there are people who love me in many ways (whoever came up with that theory that co-dependency is bad for you was a miserable sod) and the pretty - that is shoes, perfume and clothes. and cherry-filled crepes. and lovely summer in october.what did you expect from a shallow libra? pretty things and love is all we need to be happy.
yes, i know, i am utterly spoiled right now by the universe (ok, not utterly. there's one thing missing to complete the picture. universe, you know what i mean. like, do your job and make it happen) which is a wonderful change of events and let's keep things that way.

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the universe has a weird way of answering to prayers

...i wished for an eric northman to solve at least partially some of my problems (i know. libra female thing. we love to be rescued some times) and i got it. ok, it's not tall, blonde or vampire. it's not even male. but, damn, who cares about viking vampire (who, by the way, can't face bureaucracy in the morning because he would fry) when you have a feisty aries best friend to rescue you?
so we went to that-place-where-they-eat-your-soul with a stack of papers AGAIN and i nearly had a heart attack because something was wrong AGAIN (look. don't ask. my theory is that people there don't want anyone to collect unemployment and they have fun making you run around in circles) but there she was! my angel! we went out, smoked a cigarette and made a plan. then she made some phone calls and boldly entered the building and owned them all and nobody saw any more mistakes and we were done in about 1 hour.
now, excuse me while i fawn over my champion. thank you, universe.

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