random rants on movies and love

now seriously, where's that blog with the letter to venus written by a libran? it's very frustrating not to be able to remember the name of the author (was it tim or sam? come on, it's a short name...) and i am quite sure the link is somewhere in this blog (or the one on yahoo, maybe). thing is he had a point there. sometimes, we librans, wish we'd be obsessed with ikea furniture like taurus or with getting first in line for the ikea super-sale like aries instead of thinking that a trip to ikea  will eventually turn out like the one in 500 days of summer ("honey, there's a chinese family in our bathroom"). ideally, that will include holding hands on THAT red sofa and maybe there will be some fab smiths music in the background.
okay, now, let's move on to the adjustment bureau - i fell spontaneously in love with that movie. it has romance and sci-fi. of course, the lead is a libra - matt damon. politician who falls in love with a ballerina, but random people show up and tell that their love can never be, which, of course, is something librans never want to hear! and off  he goes into a quest with doors and hats and it's epic and look, finally, they made a decent romantic movie!
by the way, why was  the true blood post not published? it contained important information. in a nutshell SOOKIE AND ERIC KISSED ON THE FRONT PORCH TO NORSE MUSIC and that's all you need to know.
off to do the horoscopes now

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unwise words from not-so-libran

"love without boundaries, rules and promises" - says someone (or more actually writes it). this sounds like the perfect recipe for a disaster of epic proportions. saturn is shaking his head in discontent while pluto is revving up for a kick in the guts type of moment at this point. because, as much as everyone is in love with this idyllic neptunian concept of relationships, it just won't do. rules, promises and boundaries, as annoying as it sounds, are necessary.

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water or fire? the snow-white dilemma

so there's these 2 movies coming out next year based on the snow white story. the really fun thing is that in one of them, namely "snow white and the huntsman", the leading ladies are fire signs and in the other one "the brother's grimm: snow white" the leads are water signs. the posters are incredibly relevant:

aries snow white. notice the armor, sword and badassery. could kill a squirrel from 20 paces with one bitchy gaze. confronts the leo evil queen Charlize. expect and all-out brawl of epic proportions
pisces snow white - all cute and fluff and love. could make a squirrel kill her enemies via emotional manipulation. confronts scorpio evil queen Julia. expect bitchy gazes and not-talking

now, i just want a poster with julia in full regalia.

Who needs Paranormal Romance when you mostly date Aquarians, right?

the title above was not my idea but mystic medusa's and i will totally subscribe to it. like, vampires? they've got nothing on your average aqua on a day he channels a slightly more-offbeat-than-usual vibe. which, by normal standards translates in "it would be far easier to handle a vampire than him". you get the point. i mean, what's a vampire like? moody, sexy, out of this world, dangerous bloodsucker who understands this world differently because he has lived, like, for centuries and if he doesn't kill you he will leave you enlightened? check all of the above and add a touch of otherworldly and there you have it.
by the way, amy winehouse is dead.

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venus void and the golden pokemon

..that would be david, the 6 years-old with the stamina of a duracell bunny. jumped up and down, opened the window 3 frillion times, opened and closed the door 1 frillion times just for the fun of it. eventually, worked out that the best idea was to make him tell me about his favourite cartoon - it featured flamo! master drop something! a golden dragon without an eye (and he lost that eye because he ate a peach). AND THEN HE DREW FLAMO AND THE MASTER  in a way that would make picasso jealous.

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true blood - eric's awesomeness reaches epic

"if you kiss me, you'll be happy" - says tall blonde vulnerable sexyhot vampire. and i'm nearly screaming at the screen "kiss me! kiss me! here, i have the consent forms signed in triplicate!!!"
"come on, it's just a kiss" - died of awesome there. sookie does too, except that... bummer, bill shows up at the door and basically ruins that perfect moment. which i suspect he does because he almost dated his great-great-great-granddaughter. awkward.
anyway, eric drains sookie's fairy godmother and hets high on her fairy blood (he does apologize) then goes frolicking in the pond in the middle of the day. that was... cool. then he's mopey because he luffs sookeh, but she decided to get him the sexy werewolf bodyguard. and then we had a perfect example of the female gaze - hotass eric vs hotass alcide snarling at each other naked. i bet that sookie was all "yay!" at that point and a thousand eric/alcide fan-fiction stories just sprung into existence.
other than that: witches rule and kick vampire ass, jason drools (because of his stupid love choices), sam is following the same path as jason (y'all, his new shifter gf just told him "the father of my child is a were. a VERY JEALOUS were". and sam is all "bring.it.on. baby". which i don't know if it qualifies as a proof of twu luv or sheer stupidity) and other random people get into trouble.
i'd like to point out, again, that i totally want an eric with amnesia now.

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what the horoscope says

"You're about to fall in love with the unexpected, and it will happen in a very dramatic way -- but you never did mind that kind of thing, did you? Expect an instant burst of adrenaline."

what the actual F. OH, OKAY, WHAT.EVER.  "you never did mind that kind of thing, did you?" - that's highly ironic. rub salt in the wound, horoscope writer, won't you??

much later, after many hours at work and serious pondering of it all: i am fully aware this sounds like tempting fate and that there will be consequences but i say unto you, horoscope writer and astro situation: bring it on. see if you can phase me out. *big satisfied smirk. and it better be good because, as you well know, unexpected and drama are run-of-the-mil stuff for me.

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friday, finally

pretty poem to start the day right. from mystic medusa.

When they ask to see your gods
show them lines
drawn delicately with veins
on the underside of a bird’s wing
tell them you believe
in giant sycamores mottled
and stark against a winter sky
and in night’s so frozen
stars crack open spilling
streams of molten ice to earth
and tell them how you drank
the holy wine of honeysuckle
on a warm spring day
and of the softness
of your mother
who never taught you
death was life’s reward
but who believed in the earth
and the sun
and in a million, million light years
of being.

i know, i have a thing for postmodern poetry (maybe this isn't that postmodern, after all. but the author kept it short, so that's a plus. i mean, long poems are usually just gilding the lily in a very unnecessary way. and unless it's beowulf or some other poem of yore i don't care).
so. stuff. i need to see again fight club. 
also, i don't understand women writing sappy blogs about love that's lost or graphic sex. the first ones fill me with the rage of lilith on crack (if he scorns you in whatever way, it means he's a bad person. the appropriate response is not crying and whining). the latter are just blah and vulgar.

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true blood update

still haven't seen it, due to various reasons such as mom moving the pc across the room (why?), mom and sister-fish being generally around and their utter dislike of anything vampire-related plus the fact that they went to bed really late...
anyways. uranus retro brought indeed the unexpected. okay, not so much unexpected. it's the expected sort of unexpected. which makes sense in the general economy of weirdness. oh, gawds.

post-modern love or something llike it

internet, mobile phone, facebook, yahoo messenger, to be or not to be, existential angst and "our love is god, let's get a slushee", snarking, ton coeur qui saigne et s'accroche en haut de mes bas, mon coeur qui bat, what is reality anymore? oh.my.gods. where's eric northman when you need it?

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cosmic girl mood

i'm wearing pearls and a little black dress this morning. also, heels and coco mademoiselle.
if i think of it, this is so moon in capricorn. timeless classic. okay, the dress hints at pluto-venus - it is revealing and sassy, after all.
when you're down, do your moon, they say.

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uranus retrograde - weird me out!

Uranus’ retrograde motion tends to stimulate deep psychological investigation and analysis. Its research, however, seeks answers that satisfies the mind and explains “Why?”. This is frequently observed in people who have Uranus retrograde natally as they make mountains out of molehills in their quest to know WHY! Obviously, this is an excellent time for mental studies that explore human behavior and psychology. It favors activities that require bursts of inventive and intuitive energy. It favors psychological counseling connected with freedom urges and disconnected patterns of relating.
When Uranus is retrograde natally, the rebellious urges tend to bottle up, bottle up and then burst forth seemingly out of nowhere. This stems from the fact that these people need to make changes internally before they can manifest them in the external world. During this “processing” phase, the individual rarely realizes just how rebellious he or she is. When Uranus transits retrograde, it will reawaken freedom urges causing the individual to suddenly rebel against any ruts or confinement in the life. I feel that it is better to process what needs to change while Uranus is retrograde and actualize the change when it turns direct. The retrograde simply makes you aware but it is generally not wise to impulsively act upon an awareness.

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grimdark sexyhot got bewitched

...also sookeeh smells like dinner.
because this is what happens in true blood.
apparently, jason and sam continue their weird relationship scenarios, since crystal had poor jason tied to a bed after being hit in the head and locked in a freezer. "but i want to make babies with you daaaaahling", she chirps, "but not before turning you into a were-panther", which involves jason being chewed up by both crystal and what's-his-face-badass-were-ex. i'm just saying, jason may have issues.

but so does sam and his strangely attractive new shape-shifter girlfriend. we all know how well it worked for him in the previous seasons, which is why i would be very careful about dating supernatural creatures, if i were him. also, hoyt and jessica are no longer sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g, instead, they're arguing and almost hate each other's guts like normal couples do.
now, Eric. eric gets in trouble because of bill who is now king because he wiped-out sophie ann (as shown in bloody flashback). since bill didn't manage to convince eric to sell the house back to sookie, he sends him on a mission to a local coven of necromancers. notice how smooth he is. so eric gets in all cocky and gets out ... loosing his memory. he is cute when amnesiac. and, as always, the episode stopped there and i wanted to strangle the producers.

sunday night and a part of me has a fever of 100 and werewolf

...rain, rain, rain, blah blah, what is this? it's july! i want heatwaves and sun and more or less being baked alive!
yep, there's a part of me that has a fever of 100 and werewolf - it's the part that believes fervently, nay, fanatically, in being nice to the Other and general communication with the Other. i believe in holiday greetings, anniversary greetings and stuff like that. it's even better when the other reciprocates. (i'm oh so subtle at this point). it's part of being a Libra, i guess. also, it's part of being an actor in a neverending soap-opera and why i will live for the next geological era.

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life's too short to go around hating things recreationally

words of wisdom from cleolinda, which would look great on a t-shirt.
no, seriously.

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