dorian gray, finally!
i've eventually seen it and it's all shades of wonderful. it's goth and british (totally british and i love that!) very romantic and yes, his royal hotness can act. i think. anyway, he was a perfect dorian. just like leo was a perfect romeo. you know, british films have that special something which puts stuff like avatar to shame. sam worthington can snarl and turn into a blue cat all he wants but he'll never be even close to that sort of intensity and cuteness. what? just like master oscar (we were born in the same day, just a century or so apart), i'm a shallow libra. i also feel compelled to say: if there ever was a best hair category HRH would win, hands down! just like samson, his awesome is in his mane ... and the deep brown eyes... and the tall and slender stature.... and the voice. excuse me, a girl can daydream especially considering that i'll have pluto bouncing round and round my eighth house all next year (scorpio angst will probably be off charts, or i'll turn into the wicked witch of the west. east. whatever) and also progressed mars in there. you know, just for kicks.
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