simply splendiferous ome squee!!!

New Moon in Fifteen Minutes. By Cleolinda Jones (who is awesome)
" Hey baby, you so pale and slim and clumsy, baby" - i'm totally going out with whoever says that line to me because it's too rotfl.

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in which i am at work

okay, so... interview with viggo, favourite actor in the universe. no, really, crushes apart, this man is really awesome and unlike dear hughie he does not star in silly wolverine movies. he can do good/bad/heroic/romantic/whathaveyou. also, he seems like an interesting person in real life and i want him to win an oscar so bad i can't tell you.
also, i saw the "remember me" trailer, where edward cullen, sorry, rpattz is a troubled love interest. also, noticed that he is cute. looks a young leonardo di caprio, except that leo was infintely more awesome. i applaud the producers' idea of having a capricorn romantic interest for him... you know, great chemistry with taurus rob.

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venus trine uranus

Hello? Is this thing on? Anyway, before we get into the third-quarter results, I just wanted to say I love you all. Money is nothing compared to the basics of being human, and today I’ve decided to go to unusual lengths to demonstrate it. Even to you, McNulty, and your department really underperformed. Wait, this isn’t the accounts meeting! Who are you people? “Philatelists”? What does THAT mean? Stupid conference organizers! Oh well, I love them, too.

...see, these days are all about quirky luuuuuuuuuuuuuv

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just for the record

this has been a bad day. period

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Aquarius Moon trine Saturn day

There’s a lot of strong, supportive love and understanding in the air. Not romantic love, necessarily. Not familial love, either. Or religious love. It’s more sort of a … well, what the heck is it? It’s seems good, but what’s with all the dangly bits and tinsel? Must be some kind of an Aquarius thing. Enjoy it, whatever the heck it is. (from sasstrology)

also, a few new moon observations. this movie fills me with glee and giggles and not one moment of sadness.
edward is noticeably creepier and this is good because he's a vampire.
leonardo di caprio is a better romeo. actually, the best. maybe because he's got the scorpio intensity and inner turmoil.
aro is... well, perfect. actually i loved the whole italy story arc. yep, even the attempted suicide by sparkle.
victoria being chased in the woods by wolves was nicely done.
i think sam uley's love should have been more expressive. they keep saying that imprinting makes one look... obsessed. that was not too apparent.
and probably number one: jacob answering the phone. har har

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happy sparklemas!

no, really. official premiere in the US. official premiere here is next week.
i'm just going to celebrate it later, when i get home ...
later edit:
of course new moon broke box-office records for midnight screenings alone. that shows how much we love gooey vampire romance.
also, cleolinda has a theory about why this story is so successful. suprinsingly, it's because of the gooey romance/eyesexing. of course it is.
later later edit:
i like new moon the movie like whoa. because it's so over-the-top dripping with luuuuuuuv and romance and tortured angst and bella's fuckwittery is so obvious.

tomorrow is oficially sparklemas

therefore i have a reason to celebrate. what? christmas is far, samhain has passed, sparklemas sounds like a great option ...

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now i want to see 2012

just because of this.

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the volvo of great justice commercial

it's for real.

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vampire love is better than the end of the world

Suggesting that 2012's supremacy at the box office is likely to be shortlived, the online ticket seller Fandango said Sunday that The Twilight Saga: New Moon has sold more tickets in advance of its opening than any film in history. The film, which opens at midnight Thursday/Friday, has also altered the plans of theater owners, for as each midnight screening sells out, they have reportedly been adding new ones, presumably by "bicycling" prints between screens. Last year's original Twilight, which opened on the same weekend, took in $69 million, and some analysts are predicting that the new one could earn close to $100 million, and a few are predicting it could challenge Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, which has the year's best opening weekend with $108 million.
later edit: all i really want now is a marble-angel-cupcake-adonis who's filthy rich and whose only purpose in life is to luuuuuuuuuuuuuuv me and make me happy, because i'm a shallow libra. also, i won't be squeamish about him buying me stuff, BELLA!

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saturday evening

i'm just back from work (like the unwilling workaholic that i am) - check
everything is terribly chaotic - check
0 days free - check. what? i'm either unemployed or working my bum off
freaking out - nope. nuh huh. chaos was my faithful companion this year, therefore i am getting used to it. i don't care anymore. however, i still want to crawl under a rock.
on the bright side - 6 more days till new moon premieres in the US. and another week till it premieres here. i envy bella so much right now. all she has to worry is whether a silly sparkly vampire loves her or not. me, on the other hand, i have to worry about a gazillion things...

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clash of the titans - the trailer...

looks like epic-swords-and-sandals-porn. no, really!

i am so not buying sam worthington as perseus. no, because no, perseus in my head has boyish looks and curly locks. in conclusion - NOT HAPPY.

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new moon! the video!

see, this is another reason for which i love internet. On internet you can find clips from movies and later you can edit them.... of course i don't own the clips OR the song. I just mashed them together. And yep, i think this makes me a (lol)fan and i am (again) not sorry about spending my afternoon doing it.

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sunday movies

The evolution of Ewan McGreggor. My sparkly lucky star. Please send me another lucky musical dream of you.
12 more days to the New Moon premiere! Yay, shirtless vampires and werewolves! Also, Breaking Dawn may start filming next fall... i am still very much against toning down the gory/sexy elements. Because, you know, the sexing was a plot point. and it's so lolarious and OMG make it daaaaaaaaark and scary and tense. on purple-bruises-shattered-furniture-pillow-biting-om-nom-nom! and you know that, if i made that particular movie, bella would be so dead the next morning. For maximum angst. But then... there would be no Renesmee.
Also Jake Gylenhaal and the Prince of Persia...'Dear Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro. If you should need a Ranger or other human hero for The Hobbit, please consider this my audition tape. Cheers, Jake Gyllenhaal.' AHAHAHHAHA
"Precious" looks like a movie sister would love.
New Sherlock Holmes trailer!

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gothic moment of the day

Je suis le Ténébreux, - le Veuf, - l'Inconsolé,
Le Prince d'Aquitaine à la Tour abolie :
Ma seule Etoile est morte, - et mon luth constellé
Porte le Soleil noir de la Mélancolie.

Dans la nuit du Tombeau, Toi qui m'as consolé,
Rends-moi le Pausilippe et la mer d'Italie,
La fleur qui plaisait tant à mon coeur désolé,
Et la treille où le Pampre à la Rose s'allie.

Suis-je Amour ou Phébus ?... Lusignan ou Biron ?
Mon front est rouge encor du baiser de la Reine ;
J'ai rêvé dans la Grotte où nage la sirène...

Et j'ai deux fois vainqueur traversé l'Achéron :
Modulant tour à tour sur la lyre d'Orphée
Les soupirs de la Sainte et les cris de la Fée.

of course this is one of my top favourite poems in the universe. young widowed prince who is tall and pretty with wavy hair and the sweetest hazel eyes. he lives in a dark castle on a rainy and foggy island and he's all alone there. because he banished everyone after his wife died... and he is a little mad and extremely in pain. Also, i am quite sure he is taking certain herbs that make him hallucinate. The Other King? Yep, i think so.

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sun conjunct mercury in scorpio day

from sasstrology: “It’s elementary, dear Watson,” Holmes said. “The ash on your collar is is of a consistency that only comes from tobacco grown in the southeastern United States. And the length and color of hairs on your trousers indicate a small dog, probably a wire-haired terrier. Thus, I can only draw one conclusion: you’re seeing another detective on the side!”

“If you hadn’t been so detail-obsessed today, Holmes, you would have seen the big picture. Or heard me say that when I left this morning,” Watson sighed as he left. “You’re no fun any more.”

also, ohmygod Edward-Rpattz will star in a period piece with Nicole Kidman. Let me tell you Nicole looks like she has Edwards for breakfast everyday. I am already squeeing with delight at the prospect...

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a wednesday morning

quiet, calm, rainy, omg i love life. i also love fashion and had an epiphany yesterday. the monsters under my bed have absolutely no place to hide there, since there are tons of fabrics - means it is time to start sewing again soon. like -
-plaid dress
-light gray cloche skirt. there will also be a black detail, at the waist or something, but i am still figuring that out
-possibly another plaid skirt (plaid IS awesome, there aren't enough plaid clothes in this world, i tell you)
-chinese (?) velvet t-shirt. also, i have a dark pink something velvet.
-flowery shirt with a bow
- something made of that lacey material i have that is so pretty and i don't know exactly how to transform it
-red pencil skirt (haven't forgot about it)
-shorten the dress for sister + other stuff for sister.

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