sitting on the fence

you know how astrology says librans' major flaw is being unable to choose? well, looking back (again, a saturn thing) i sort of realize it's more of a boon. waiting, gathering information and not-rushing into anything = things will eventually work out for themselves. that which i would really like to work out faster right now is getting over pms, because it's messing with my inner zen.

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i really really really love this picture

so appropriately "shed your skin and be awesomely seductive". red hair, snake bracelets, the hat! omg, the hat!!! it's a lot like embrace your snake goddess side :D now, they should really teach that in school

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a de-lovely spring morning. *flounce!
it's feels like the universe is french-kissing me so passionately as to take my breath away and make me drunk and dizzy with happiness. ILU, universe. 

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"what do you like in a man?"

must say, that was one tough question that i've been considering for the past few days, when i was not concerned with the plethora of tv stuff. because it's much easier to say what i don't like in a guy, which is a long and extended list and i am not entirely sure i want to add more items to that.
basically, after mulling over it intensely, making a retrospective (Saturn retrograde stuff) it dawned on me. i like men who like me and show that. i like men who are interested in my tastes, likes and dislikes. i like men who don't take themselves too seriously and are quite social. i like men who are smart, even a little quirky (bonus if i feel that i can learn something from them). i like men who have an artistic streak, are ambitious and have a touch of class. i like men i can rely on and who can make me laugh. i love laughing and wit and teasing. i also like men who can flirt, who open doors (extra bonus for opening the car door) and make all those lovely gentlemanly gestures naturally, who tell me i have pretty feet and hands. doesn't hurt if they're sexy too - which has nothing to do with looks and everything to do with vibes. there are drop dead gorgeous people who are just as sexy as a dead fish and people who may not be models but just ooze sexiness. i want the second variety.

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a story of no importance

current music: boy with a coin

once upon a time, there was this girl looking for love and she looked into a mirror and saw a man there. the image was so appealing she could hardly resist. so fascinating was the shadow in the mirror she would spend days looking at it, trying to decipher its mysteries. this man, she thought, is the one i need.... and so she created a spell to dissolve the barriers between the mirror world and her world. she told the man "all you have to do is to cross it at midnight" but the man's face changed at this point. she looked closer and saw a face she saw a million times before. she smiled to herself bitterly "you, i know...." and then she heard a twinkly laughter. she turned around and saw the youthful pan. "come and play with me, sister", he said and took her hand

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friday morning

...when i woke up at 5 because it was really cold and i can't wait for heat to be back. in other words: spring. now. okay, it's pure fantasy as real warmth won't be back till late april but so it goes.
other than that, shiny lulz so far. definitely shiny :D and can't wait for the appointment with the now famous hairstylist

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